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This guide is intended to provide a single source for Registered Alternative Lodging Establishments on the island. Your B&B should already be listed here though there is a good chance that it is not have the contact info you prefer. Check your region and then business, even if it is all good you can still use the form below and let me know. If there is a mistake, then please, lets put it right by telling me about it.
If your business is one which is likely to appeal to tourists staying at our island's BnBs, then use the form below to make the suggestion even if it is not your own, though I'll need contact info. Simple listings are free of charge though I advise that you use one of the several options to make your business stand out.
The Free Listing:
First, it helps us, tourists and business owners alike, if we have a wide list of choices. Is your business legal and directed towards travelers? Then list it here, we want you. If you are already on the list of Inns I was able to get from the county, a group which already listed here, please take a quick look over and verify it is how you wish it. I want to direct tourists to you - not to my choice of booking agent. Artists, restaurants, activity guides, it costs you nothing to have your business also listed here too. Just send me an email with some details like artist or shop name (your agent if you prefer), location and phone number if that is appropriate. Takes two minutes maximum really. So help us all...and contact me here. Now's your chance, you can list your business here free! We attract an unusual group who will probably just love your business.
For Promotional Listings: Here are some opportunities to get your business promoted here. While I offer to list your business name, the address and the phone number or email address I charge to list both phone and email address ($10); or to link to your website ($25).
Purchase any improvement to your listing and we will add a descriptive line to your listing free of charge (or $20 alone). The yellow line is to point out the additional statement and not included in the actual improvement. See below:
A Textual Flyout can be added to your Inn name for just $20,
Similarly you can have a thumbnail with a "fly-out" with an enlarged image for $50, like this:
To affect other ads and placement then we must talk, assume something between $50 and $290/yr. There are several site real estate locations, some I really care about; depending on your ad size, business and how it affects the overall site message the charge for your ad will vary.
Other Business Website Concerns. What do you think of SEO? Seo has become such a behemoth of overwhelming complexity that it is difficult to know what anyone means when they say it. I like the attitude of the company BnBSeo who believes that if you don't end up with more guests in your BnB, then its not really Seo. We now have them working on our Seo, and it should prove greatly effective in just a few months. What do you think? Does this site rank in your searches? Check out their website. Perhaps you'll like their affordable seo services also.
I am convinced, that despite council history, working with the county will benefit us better than not. "The Maui BnB Guide" presents tourists with a single directory for all of the legally operating Tourist Rentals with direct contact numbers if appropriate. Listing everyone who successfully traversed all the hoops (like yourself), in one easy to use index, should significantly funnel traveler attention to those working within county guidelines. So, take advantage of The Guide. Listing your preferred contact info is free. Please, find your Inn and tell me if it is incorrect.
If the owner notifies me of their wish to book through VRBO, AirBnB, Kayak (or whatever) then I will direct tourists there. I don't want to encourage these agents with kick-backs if I can funnel the funds direct to the owner instead. But business models vary widely so whatever.
I want to say this once here, where local Mauians are the only likely visitors. Maui will be better for us residents if we actively participate in planning for a future we can live in together. Attempts to sabotage the county planners (though I - all by myself - can think of dozens of "reasons" for doing so) through AirBnB, Tripadvisor and others, can be satisfying in the short run but are really not likely to bring about an island that runs smoothly for even most of us. Present day Maui is an example of both forces only occasionally working together.
To a large degree the over-shadowing effect of the hugely controlling and apparently, completely uncaring sugar industry, has moved away (I hasten to say not entirely, but I remember the days...). It will serve us well if we can get together and design a future that we want and then push the council to make it happen, rather than letting the next big industry move in and tell us what our future will be. Sadly we are just barely getting together while new industries, whose board lives far away, are taking control where Sugar is leaving a vacuum. Here I encourage you all to try a little harder in creating a future by the people who live here. And please encourage me as well. Its OUR future, and its just too damn easy to sit back and let mainland corporations dictate how it will be.